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Real-Life Examples of Cognitive Dissonance

Content1: Cognitive Dissonance TheoryTips for Dealing With Cognitive DissonanceEveryday Examples of Cognitive DissonanceCommon Questions about the Cognitive Dissonance Theory and Its ImplicationsWhat Influences Cognitive Dissonance?2 Bolstering motives associated with proattitudinal message processing The theory of cognitive dissonance explains many aspects of human behavior and has numerous real-world cognitive dissonance theory applications. When our behavior deviates [...]

By | 2023-01-04T09:04:22+00:00 February 12th, 2020|Sober living|Comments Off on Real-Life Examples of Cognitive Dissonance

The problem with alcohol advertising

СодержаниеThe problem with alcohol advertisingHow Many and How Often Do Influencers Post About Alcohol?Influence of the media and celebrities on young people's alcohol useAlcohol: Targeting and Appeal to Under 18s Given the potential strong impact influencers might have, it is important to understand their portrayal of alcoholposts on social media. In addition, influencers are very [...]

By | 2022-12-02T11:01:51+00:00 January 20th, 2020|Sober living|Comments Off on The problem with alcohol advertising