Bought two pairs of shoes. On average we have 7-10 hours of intense sparring per week. In the reviews, it is advised to contact the seller and clarify the desired size, stating the length of the foot in centimeters.
• B – strong amateurs, juniors, "veterans", Correct sole. The seller advises to order US 8.5 / 26.5 cm. This is a new pair of shoes that I ordered in reserve. Externally, Kawasaki products look perfect. Badminton requires good shoes that can withstand frequent changes of direction, jumps, jerks and sudden stops. But the reviews are mostly positive. Basically, the sole is rubbed, especially on the left foot. Problems and their solutions. Even specialized shoes break in the most unexpected places, so serious shoes are needed for a serious workout. The cost of professional shoes varies from $50 to $250. I ordered, received, we are studying. Looking ahead, I will say that the actual size exactly matches the ordered. But other than that, they are solid sports shoes, quite rigid, with good cushioning of the sole. In the reviews there is a photo of old sneakers, where you can see that the material is fibrous and breaks precisely along the fibers. I have a foot of 26 cm. A good opportunity to test the Kawasaki K-063. Game Level = B Now I have been playing the same game for the 4th month, and there is an opportunity to show the state “before and after”. In our area, the level is defined as follows: The sole material is too hard, does not give the desired grip, and on the parquet it slips a lot.
Testing cheap badminton sneakers. In the photo below, Asics Beyond shows the outsole of the new sneakers compared to the outsole that has been running for almost a year (this model has a rather stiff sole, it is more resistant to abrasion, but “clings” to the court worse). • C – amateurs, Recognized brands of sports shoes in this sport are Yonex, Li-nig, Victor, Asics. The material itself is questionable. Compare before and after. In recent years, the Yonex brand has ceased to please me. And now, once again, when my sneakers are worn out to holes, Kawasaki products catch my eye.
Buying sneakers without trying them on is a huge risk. I tried the Asics Blade — like a model specifically for badminton, but too soft, it stretches so much that you need to take a smaller size. On average, my sneakers "live" for half a year, then I have to either change or repair. But, the price is 5 times less than my Asics Beyond. • A – professionals\athletes, Those. you can not be afraid that Asian small sizes will come, as if on a child’s leg. A good cut indicates sufficient rigidity. They also write that the sizes correspond well to European and American ones. Single player (MS). Of the successful models, I can name volleyball Asics Beyond – not an ideal solution. • D – beginners.
Kawasaki K-063 badminton shoes
Conclusion – you can take. If you take care of your shoes and repair them, you can significantly shed their life. Practice 3 months of intensive training. 100 hours of run at maximum speed. Trained in badminton for 10 years.
Given: A 40-year-old boy, a carcass weighing 73 kg. And you have to change when the sole is completely worn out and stops clinging to the court surface.